Breaking Apart

by Alyson Miller

I feel my world falling apart,  

there is little hope  

when everything around 

begins to swirl.  


I crumple in pain  

with every fold that is made... 

as the creases cut deeper  

and the damage is unrepairable. 


The world I live in is broken,  

is yours?  


I don’t know how I can go on 

when the words around me become broken down 

with the tearing of the page  

in disgust. 


The words written on me,  

don't speak the way they were intended. 

I am stained with tears, 

but continue to create meaning.  


What can I do, 

to help you understand me? 

What can I do, 

to not be torn apart by the words? 

Alyson Miller is a 20-year-old secondary education and English major with a love for exploring works of art. Her goal is to inspire young adult minds to find their own voices and discover a passion for learning. She wants to spend her summers traveling and gaining new perspectives on the world to share with her students and inspire them to look at life through new lenses.